Traditional Foods

"Traditional" in the context of these projects means pre-contact foods. No beef, mutton, goat, chicken, pork, milk, butter, cream, wheat flour (no fry bread), rye, barley, okra, black-eyed peas, or any other "Old World" food that many of us have lovingly incorporated into our diets and tribal cultures. No processed foods (Doritoes, Lays Chips, etc), even if the base is corn or potatoes. No chocolate unless it is unsweetened cacao or sweetened with honey from the Melipona bee, fruit, stevia, camas or agave. Be adventurous and try unfamiliar foods! There are many foods to choose from. My American Indian Health and Diet Project site lists and defines many of them.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend Meals

 Here are a couple of dishes I prepared this weekend. On top are sweet peppers stuffed with venison, onions, zucchini and jalapenos, all chopped very fine (see two pictures at bottom). The bigger the pepper, the easier it is to get the stuffing inside.
Just saute the filling with a bit of vegetable oil until tender, then place inside the halfed (and de-ribbed) peppers, then broil for about ten minutes.
Below is broiled salmon with four different garnishes, from left to rt.: tomatoes, onions and poblano peppers; tomatillo sauce; agave; and red peppers and onions.

chopped zucchini

chopped sweet onions

saute in skillet until done


  1. Don't know if you'll see this comment, but want to tell you I just found your site and blog, and love your recipes!

    Not knowing the science behind it, still, I'd like to ask if you've looked into using lard/animal grease, rather than vegetable oil or shortening. Melissa Naasko's blog has explained it (and probably other people have, too); since I know her personally, I recommend her: There's some interesting cross-overs between your site and hers.

    I was searching for an Indian recipe using corn and persimmons...and came on Osage Persimmon Cakes. Thank you SO much!

  2. Thanks for your comments. Actually, yes I have. I don't use those ingredients on this site because Native people receive blocks of lard (I mean real blocks) in their commodity selection, as well as butter, cheese and fatty meats. I'm trying to emphasize healthier options. Indeed, historically some tribespeople did consume much "guts and grease" and there did not appear to be any vegetarians. But those who ate a lot of fat and meat did not have a side of fries, fried bread, and Twinkies with it. And, the ingestion of raw milk (advocated by Weston Price) is a mute point since Indians did not have access to cattle or goats before contact. Only mother's milk. Take care and happy cooking.
