I still had a sore throat yesterday and didn't eat much. For breakfast I had a banana and peanut butter again (filling). Throughout the day I had blueberry and
Echinacea tea.
Today for breakfast I had a banana, papaya and small bowl of corn mush topped with agave syrup.

Lunch yesterday was a salad of tomatoes, zucchini, onions and a bit of vegetable oil and pepper. Lunch today was a bit of a cheat. I had meetings, then class until 12:15, then a meeting after that. Grad student Ed Smith and I stopped at the union after walking up the hill and got strawberry smoothies. I didn't feel too bad about that since it was made with water. It did have a no-cal sweetener, but the large glass was still only 70 calories and the cold berries felt good on my throat. After the meeting, I was ravenous and the only edibles in my bag were a Luna bar (can't have it) and chocolate covered insects.

Now, I don't normally carry these things with me. I had some for my Indigenous Food and Health students to sample a few weeks ago and one box got tucked under my sandisks, Kleenexes, papers and other briefcase junks. Crunchy, but these 4 crickets and wormy guys are not filling. Insects are, however, very nutritious.
I did make another nut and seed mixture this morning, this time with pumpkin and sunflower seeds and some peanuts mixed in. I forgot them, however, which is why I ate the insects.

Got home a while ago and warmed up some more corn mush and this time put maple syrup on it. This is the shorthand version of
Choctaw tamfulla. I simply put cornmeal in a small crock pot and cooked with water until very tender. That's it. I love corn in all forms and eat it everyday.

Went to feed my catfish. These guys are huge and we need to catch a few before it gets too cold and they settle at the bottom of the pond.
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